Data Science Transformers for Natural Language Processing

1. Welcome

1. Introduction

2. Outline

凡是我无法创造的, 我都不理解

2. Getting Setup

2. How to use Github & Extra Coding Tips (Optional)

3. Where to get the code, notebooks, and data

4. Are You Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced All are OK!

3. Beginner’s Corner

1. Beginner’s Corner Section Introduction

2. From RNNs to Attention and Transformers - Intuition

每个节点的输入被处理, 然后输出为h(t), 并作为下一个节点的输入

前面这两种RNN对语义翻译类的任务不管用, 因为每个节点的状态只和前一个节点有关

最初对状态的解决方案是seq2seq, 引入了编码器和解码器的概念

编码器对输入进行处理, 但是没有马上生成dense层
节点计算时带上之前所有经过的时间序列保持的状态, 产生最终结果bigT, 作为解码器的输入

问题是, 如果句子很长, 但是最终编码器的输出是固定规格的, 于是不可避免地损失上下文信息


3. Sentiment Analysis

pip install transformers

# 查询transformers版本
import transformers

from transforms import pipeline

# Create your pipeline (includes tokenization,etc.
classifier = pipeline("sentiment-analysis")

# NO need to convert input into PyTorch Tensor,Numpy array
# Tensorflow Tensor,etc.

# Output is a dictionary
classifier("This is such a great movie!")

classifier("I can't understand anything...prerequisites...")

4. Sentiment Analysis in Python


8. Transformers and Attention Theory (Advanced)

1. Theory Section Introduction

2. Basic Self-Attention


3. Self-Attention & Scaled Dot-Product Attention

9. Implement Transformers From Scratch (Advanced)

1. Implementation Section Introduction

2. Encoder Implementation Plan & Outline

3. How to Implement Multihead Attention From Scratch
