Building a Parser from scratch

01 - Basic expressions and Tokenizer

001 Tokenizer Parser

解析语法, 人们一开始尝试使用正则表达式, 但是正则表达式不适合解析, 我们确实使用了它(只限于标记器模块)


// __test__/run.js
const {Parser} = require('../src/Parser')
const parser = new Parser()

const program = `42`

const ast = parser.parse(program)

console.log(JSON.stringify(ast, null, 2))
// src/Parser.js
 * Letter parser: recursive descent implementation
class Parser {
     * Parses a string into an AST
    parse(string) {
        this._string = string

        // Parse recursively starting from the main
        // entry point, the Program

        return this.Program()

     * Main entry point
     * Program
     *      : NumericLiteral
     *      ;
    Program() {
        return this.NumericLiteral()

     * NumericLiteral
     *      : NUMBER
     *      ;
    NumericLiteral() {
        return {
            type: 'NumericLiteral',
            value: Number(this._string)


module.exports = {

002 Numbers Strings

// src/Tokenizer.js
 * Tokenizer class.
 * Lazily pulls a token from a stream.
class Tokenizer {
     * Initializes the string.
    init(string) {
        this._string = string
        // 指针, 指向当前解析字符位置
        this._cursor = 0

    hasMoreTokens() {
        return this._cursor < this._string.length;

     * Whther the tokenizer reached EOF.
    isEOF() {
        return this._cursor === this._string.length;

     * Obtains next token.
    getNextToken() {
        if (!this.hasMoreTokens()) {
            return null

        // 从当前指针处开始
        const string = this._string.slice(this._cursor)

        // Numbers
        if (!Number.isNaN(Number(string[0]))) {
            let number = ''
            while (!Number.isNaN(Number(string[this._cursor]))) {
                number += string[this._cursor++]
            return {
                type: 'NUMBER',
                value: number

        // String
        if (string[0] === '"') {
            let s = ''
            do {
                s += string[this._cursor++]
            } while (string[this._cursor] !== '"' && !this.isEOF())
            s += this._cursor++ // skip "
            return {
                type: 'STRING',
                value: s

module.exports = {
// src/Parser.js
 * Letter parser: recursive descent implementation
const {Tokenizer} = require('./Tokenizer')

class Parser {
     * Initializes the parser.
    constructor() {
        this._string = ''
        this._tokenizer = new Tokenizer()

     * Parses a string into an AST
    parse(string) {
        this._string = string

        // Prime the tokenizer to obtain the frist
        // token which is our lookahead.The lookahead is
        // used for predictive parsing.
        // 预测解析 向后看一个char LL(1)
        this._lookahead = this._tokenizer.getNextToken()

        // Parse recursively starting from the main
        // entry point, the Program

        return this.Program()

     * Main entry point
     * Program
     *      : Literal
     *      ;
    Program() {
        return {
            type: 'Program',
            body: this.Literal()

     * Literal
     *      : NumericLiteral
     *      : StringLiteral
     *      ;
    Literal() {
        switch (this._lookahead.type) {
            case 'NUMBER':
                return this.NumericLiteral()
            case 'STRING':
                return this.StringLiteral()
        throw new SyntaxError(`Literal: unexpected literal production`)

     * StringLiteral
     *      : STRING
     *      ;
    StringLiteral() {
        const token = this._eat('STRING')
        return {
            type: 'StringLiteral',
            // 去除 " "
            value: token.value.slice(1, -1)

     * NumericLiteral
     *      : NUMBER
     *      ;
    NumericLiteral() {
        // _eat 消耗当前token, 让解析器前移
        const token = this._eat('NUMBER')
        return {
            type: 'NumericLiteral',
            value: Number(token.value)

     * Expects a token of a given type.
    _eat(tokenType) {
        const token = this._lookahead

        if (token == null) {
            throw new SyntaxError(
                `Unexpected end of input, expected: "${tokenType}"`

        if (token.type !== tokenType) {
            throw new SyntaxError(
                `Unexpected token: "${token.value}", expected: "${tokenType}"`

        // Advance to next token.
        this._lookahead = this._tokenizer.getNextToken()

        return token

module.exports = {

003 From State Machines to Regular Expressions

// src/Tokenizer.js
 * Tokenizer spec.
const Spec = [
    // Whitespace:
    [/^\s+/, null],
    // Comments
    // Skip single-line comments:
    [/^\/\/.*/, null],
    // Skip multi-line comments:
    [/^\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//, null],
    // Numbers:
    [/^\d+/, 'NUMBER'],
    // STRING
    [/^"[^"]*"/, 'STRING'],
    [/^'[^']*'/, 'STRING']

 * Tokenizer class.
 * Lazily pulls a token from a stream.
class Tokenizer {
    // ...

     * Obtains next token.
    getNextToken() {
        if (!this.hasMoreTokens()) {
            return null

        // 从当前指针处开始
        const string = this._string.slice(this._cursor)

        for (const [regexp, tokenType] of Spec) {
            const tokenValue = this._match(regexp, string)

            // Coun't match this rule,continue.
            if (tokenValue == null) {

            // Should skip token,e.g.whitespace.
            if (tokenType == null) {
                return this.getNextToken()

            return {
                type: tokenType,
                value: tokenValue

        throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected token: "${string[0]}"`)

     * Matches a token for a regular expression.
    _match(regexp, string) {
        const matched = regexp.exec(string)
        if (matched == null) {
            return null
        // 推进cursor
        this._cursor += matched[0].length
        return matched[0]

module.exports = {

02 - Program structure

001 Statements and Statement list

// __test__/run.js
const {Parser} = require('../src/Parser')
const assert = require("assert");
const parser = new Parser()

 * List of tests
const tests = [

 * For manual tests
function exec() {
    const program = `
     * start
    // number
    // string

    const ast = parser.parse(program)

    console.log(JSON.stringify(ast, null, 2))

// Manual test
// exec()

 * test function
function test(program, expected) {
    const ast = parser.parse(program)
    assert.deepEqual(ast, expected)

tests.forEach(testRun => testRun(test))

console.log('All assertions passed!')
// src/Parser.js
class Parser {
    // ...
    Program() {
        return {
            type: 'Program',
            body: this.StatementList()

     * 涉及到左递归,但是递归下降的无法实现
     * StatementList
     *      : Statement
     *      重构为右递归
     *      : StatementList Statement -> Statement Statement Statement Statement
     *      ;
    StatementList() {
        const statementList = [this.Statement()]

        while (this._lookahead != null) {

        return statementList

     * Statement
     *     : ExpressionStatement
     *     ;
    Statement() {
        return this.ExpressionStatement()

     * ExpressionStatement
     *      : Expression ';'
     *      ;
    ExpressionStatement() {
        const expression = this.Expression()
        return {
            type: 'ExpressionStatement',

     * Expression
     *      : Literal
     *      ;
    Expression() {
        return this.Literal()
// src/Tokenizer.js
 * Tokenizer spec.
const Spec = [
    // ...
    // Symbols,delimiters:
    [/^;/, ';'],
    // ...
// __test__/statement-list-test.js
module.exports = test => {
         * start
        // number
        // string
    `, {
        "type": "Program",
        "body": [
                "type": "ExpressionStatement",
                "expression": {
                    "type": "NumericLiteral",
                    "value": 42
                "type": "ExpressionStatement",
                "expression": {
                    "type": "StringLiteral",
                    "value": "a"
                "type": "ExpressionStatement",
                "expression": {
                    "type": "StringLiteral",
                    "value": "b"
// __test__/literals-test.js
module.exports = test => {
    // NumericLiteral
    test(`42;`, {
            "type": "Program",
            "body": [
                    expression: {
                        type: 'NumericLiteral',
                        value: 42
                    type: 'ExpressionStatement'
    // StringLiteral
    test(`"a";`, {
            "type": "Program",
            "body": [
                    expression: {
                        type: 'StringLiteral',
                        value: 'a'
                    type: 'ExpressionStatement'
    test(`'b';`, {
            "type": "Program",
            "body": [
                    expression: {
                        type: 'StringLiteral',
                        value: 'b'
                    type: 'ExpressionStatement'

002 Blocks nested scopes

// __test__/empty-statement-test.js
module.exports = test => {
    test(';', {
        type: 'Program',
        body: [
                type: 'EmptyStatement'
// __test__/block-test.js
module.exports = test => {
    `, {
        type: 'Program',
        body: [
                type: 'BlockStatement',
                body: [
                        type: 'ExpressionStatement',
                        expression: {
                            type: 'NumericLiteral',
                            value: 42
                        type: 'ExpressionStatement',
                        expression: {
                            type: 'StringLiteral',
                            value: 'hello'
    // empty block
    `, {
        type: 'Program',
        body: [
                type: 'BlockStatement',
                body: []
    // nest block

    `, {
        type: 'Program',
        body: [
                type: 'BlockStatement',
                body: [
                        expression: {
                            type: 'NumericLiteral',
                            value: 42
                        type: 'ExpressionStatement'
                        body: [
                                expression: {
                                    type: 'StringLiteral',
                                    value: 'hello'
                                type: 'ExpressionStatement'
                        type: 'BlockStatement'
// src/Tokenizer.js
 * Tokenizer spec.
const Spec = [
    // ...
    // Symbols,delimiters:
    [/^;/, ';'],
    [/^\{/, '{'],
    [/^\}/, '}'],
    // ...
// src/Parser.js
class Parser {
    // ...
    StatementList(stopLookahead = null) {
        const statementList = [this.Statement()]

        while (this._lookahead != null &&
        this._lookahead.type !== stopLookahead) {

        return statementList

     * Statement
     *     : ExpressionStatement
     *     | BlockStatement
     *     | EmptyStatement
     *     ;
    Statement() {
        switch (this._lookahead.type) {
            case ';':
                return this.EmptyStatement()
            case '{':
                return this.BlockStatement()
                return this.ExpressionStatement()

     * EmptyStatement
     *      : ';'
     *      ;
    EmptyStatement() {
        return {
            type: 'EmptyStatement'

     * BlockStatement
     *      : '{' OptStatementList '}'
     *      ;
    BlockStatement() {
        const body = this._lookahead.type !== '}' ?
            this.StatementList('}') : []
        return {
            type: 'BlockStatement',

003 Different AST formats

// src/Parser.js
 * Letter parser: recursive descent implementation
const {Tokenizer} = require('./Tokenizer')

// Default AST node factories
const DefaultFactory = {
    Program(body) {
        return {
            type: 'Program',

    EmptyStatement() {
        return {
            type: 'EmptyStatement'

    BlockStatement(body) {
        return {
            type: 'BlockStatement',

    ExpressionStatement(expression) {
        return {
            type: 'ExpressionStatement',

    StringLiteral(value) {
        return {
            type: 'StringLiteral',

    NumericLiteral(value) {
        return {
            type: 'NumericLiteral',

// S-expression AST node factories
const SExpressionFactory = {
    Program(body) {
        return ['begin', body]

    EmptyStatement() {
        return {}

    BlockStatement(body) {
        return ['begin', body]

    ExpressionStatement(expression) {
        return expression

    StringLiteral(value) {
        return `${value}`

    NumericLiteral(value) {
        return value

const AST_MODE = 'default'
const factory =
    AST_MODE === 'default' ?
        DefaultFactory : SExpressionFactory

class Parser {
    // ...

     * Main entry point
     * Program
     *      : Literal
     *      ;
    Program() {
        return factory.Program(this.StatementList())

    // ...

     * EmptyStatement
     *      : ';'
     *      ;
    EmptyStatement() {
        return factory.EmptyStatement()

     * BlockStatement
     *      : '{' OptStatementList '}'
     *      ;
    BlockStatement() {
        const body = this._lookahead.type !== '}' ?
            this.StatementList('}') : []
        return factory.BlockStatement(body)

     * ExpressionStatement
     *      : Expression ';'
     *      ;
    ExpressionStatement() {
        const expression = this.Expression()
        return factory.ExpressionStatement(expression)

    // ...

     * StringLiteral
     *      : STRING
     *      ;
    StringLiteral() {
        const token = this._eat('STRING')
        return factory.StringLiteral(token.value.slice(1, -1))

     * NumericLiteral
     *      : NUMBER
     *      ;
    NumericLiteral() {
        // _eat 消耗当前token, 让解析器前移
        const token = this._eat('NUMBER')
        return factory.NumericLiteral(Number(token.value))

    // ...

module.exports = {

004 Binary Expressions
