Building an Interpreter from scratch

1. Compilers crash course

1. Parsers, ASTs, Interpreters and Compilers

词法解析器不检查语法, 而是读取字符, 转为Token{类型type: 字面量(值)value}

static time: 编译(静态)时间; 此时只检验语法和转为中间表示(IR), 还没有执行(求值)



parsers的实现, 我们可以使用递归下降的语法分析器, 或者使用生成器来生成指定语法的解析器

syntax这个github项目为多种语言(java/go/…)生成解析器, 可以看看

runtime semantics 运行时语义

execution就是执行, 也就是运行时

不同语义或许有差不多的AST, 但是求值方式不同, 会导致不同结果


解释器会执行代码, 实现语义, 而编译器不执行代码(而是由虚拟机执行编译后的字节码)

解释器分为: 基于AST(递归)的解释器/字节码解释器(虚拟机), 区别在于程序的格式


  • 提前编译器(将源代码翻译为另一种语言,如c++的编译器)
  • JIT即时编译器(将可能执行的代码编译,如果js的编译器)
  • AST转换器(修改AST,大多数语法糖和优化都是在AST级别完成的)

2. AST Interpreters and Virtual Machines

将AST不加处理或简单处理传给解释器进行求值, 得到结果, 解释器求值这个阶段就是运行时


字节码解释器对比AST解释器, AST树更难遍历(字节码数组可以顺序遍历), 也更占空间(字节码数组)






r1-4虚拟的寄存器, ip指令指针, 堆栈指针sp, 基指针bp

大多数虚拟机是混合类型的, 既有寄存器, 也有堆栈

3. Compilers AOT, JIT, Transpiler



一般将AST求值之前的步骤称为编译器的前端部分, 优化和求值等称为后端部分
我们可以将AST转为LLVM字节码, 由LLVM为我们实现支持多平台的代码



JIT就是即时编译, 即时就是运行时, 在程序执行时直接翻译源代码

JIT可以提高重量级编译的性能, 他在求值前, 使用生成器生成(编译出)本机目标代码, 然后交给cpu执行, 如果这段代码需要反复使用,
就会使用到生成器的缓存, 而无需每次都重新编译, 可实现特定优化

AST - Transpiler(Transformer + Compiler)

AST编译器的输出是另一个AST, 可以将特定语言的AST转为另一个语言的AST, 然后交给目标语言的编译器进行求值.

Bad question

xxx语言是解释或编译语言? -> 其实, 解释或编译不是语言, 而是语言的实现

重要的是语义(保留), 所以我们应该首先实现AST的解释器(最简单的语义实现), 然后可以走得更远, 比如将AST编译为字节码 ->
字节码常用部分使用JIT -> …


2. Interpreters Basic expressions and Variables

1. Eva programming language

AST并不唯一, 我们可以允许索引代替表达式来进行优化等…

将节点类型变为0, 其中的子节点的类型和值分别用0和1表示, 可将ast简化为数组类型
甚至可以将操作简化为符号(如addition -> +), 去掉变量标识符的type属性
这种AST格式称为Symbolic Expression
直接使用这种格式的好处是, 可以用js或py的字典或列表来表示, 就不需要额外写解析器

我们将实现 eva语言 的编译器



2. Self-evaluating expressions

const assert = require('assert')

 * Eva interpreter
class Eva {
    eval(exp) {
        if (isNumber(exp)) {
            return exp

        if (isString(exp)) {
            // "hello" -> hello
            return exp.slice(1, -1);

        if (exp[0] === '+') {
            // (+ 1 2) -> 3
            return exp[1] + exp[2]
        throw 'Unimplemented'

function isNumber(exp) {
    return typeof exp === 'number'

function isString(exp) {
    return typeof exp === 'string' && exp[0] === '"' && exp.slice(-1) === '"'

// ----- -----
// tests:
const eva = new Eva();

// Self-evaluating 自求值(评估) -> 对应字面量, 编译器不做处理直接返回字面量本身
assert.strictEqual(eva.eval(1), 1)
assert.strictEqual(eva.eval('"hello"'), 'hello')

assert.strictEqual(eva.eval(['+', 1, 5]), 6)
assert.strictEqual(eva.eval(['+', ['+', 3, 2], 5]), 10)

console.log('All assertions passed!')

3. Variables and Environments


// Eva.js
const assert = require('assert')

const Environment = require('./Environment')

 * Eva interpreter
class Eva {
     * Creates an Eva instance with the global environment
    constructor(global = new Environment()) { = global

     * Evaluates an expression in the given environment
     * @param exp
     * @param env
     * @return {number|*}
    eval(exp, env = {
        // -------------------------------------
        // Self-evaluating expressions

        if (isNumber(exp)) {
            return exp

        if (isString(exp)) {
            // "hello" -> hello
            return exp.slice(1, -1);

        // -------------------------------------
        // Math operations

        if (exp[0] === '+') {
            // (+ 1 2) -> 3
            return this.eval(exp[1]) + this.eval(exp[2])

        if (exp[0] === '*') {
            // (+ 1 2) -> 3
            return this.eval(exp[1]) * this.eval(exp[2])

        // -------------------------------------
        // Variable declaration

        if (exp[0] === 'var') {
            const [_, name, value] = exp
            return env.define(name, this.eval(value))

        // -------------------------------------
        // Variable access

        if (isVariableName(exp)) {
            return env.lookup(exp)

        throw `Unimplemented: ${JSON.stringify(exp)}`

function isNumber(exp) {
    return typeof exp === 'number'

function isString(exp) {
    return typeof exp === 'string' && exp[0] === '"' && exp.slice(-1) === '"'

function isVariableName(exp) {
    return typeof exp === 'string' && /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/.test(exp)

// ----- -----
// tests:
const eva = new Eva(new Environment({
    null: null,

    true: true,
    false: false,

    VERSION: '0.1'

// Self-evaluating 自求值(评估) -> 对应字面量, 编译器不做处理直接返回字面量本身
assert.strictEqual(eva.eval(1), 1)
assert.strictEqual(eva.eval('"hello"'), 'hello')

// Math
assert.strictEqual(eva.eval(['+', 1, 5]), 6)
assert.strictEqual(eva.eval(['+', ['+', 3, 2], 5]), 10)
assert.strictEqual(eva.eval(['+', ['*', 3, 2], 5]), 11)

// Variables
assert.strictEqual(eva.eval(['var', 'x', 10]), 10)
assert.strictEqual(eva.eval('x'), 10)

assert.strictEqual(eva.eval(['var', 'y', 100]), 100)
assert.strictEqual(eva.eval('y'), 100)

assert.strictEqual(eva.eval('VERSION'), '0.1')

assert.strictEqual(eva.eval(['var', 'isUser', 'true']), true)

assert.strictEqual(eva.eval(['var', 'z', ['*', 2, 2]]), 4)

console.log('All assertions passed!')
// Environment.js
 * Environment: names storage
class Environment {
     * Creates an environment with the given record.
    constructor(record = {}) {
        this.record = record

     * Create a variable with the given name and value.
     * @param name
     * @param value
    define(name, value) {
        this.record[name] = value
        return value

     * Returns the value of a defined variable, or throws
     * if the variable is not defined
    lookup(name) {
        // 对象是否有指定名称的属性
        if (!this.record.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
            throw new ReferenceError(`Variable "${name}" is not defined.`)
        return this.record[name]

module.exports = Environment

4. Blocks expression groups and Nested Scopes

// Eva.js
const assert = require('assert')

const Environment = require('./Environment')

 * Eva interpreter
class Eva {
     * Creates an Eva instance with the global environment
    constructor(global = new Environment()) { = global

     * Evaluates an expression in the given environment
     * @param exp
     * @param env
     * @return {number|*}
    eval(exp, env = {
        // ...

        // -------------------------------------
        // Math operations

        if (exp[0] === '+') {
            // (+ 1 2) -> 3
            return this.eval(exp[1], env) + this.eval(exp[2], env)

        if (exp[0] === '*') {
            // (+ 1 2) -> 3
            return this.eval(exp[1], env) * this.eval(exp[2], env)

        // -------------------------------------
        // Blocks: sequence of expressions

        if (exp[0] === 'begin') {
            // 创建新作用域
            const blockEnv = new Environment({}, env)
            return this._evalBlock(exp, blockEnv)

        // -------------------------------------
        // Variable declaration (var foo 1)

        if (exp[0] === 'var') {
            const [_, name, value] = exp
            return env.define(name, this.eval(value, env))

        // -------------------------------------
        // Variable update (set foo 10)

        if (exp[0] === 'set') {
            const [_, name, value] = exp
            return env.assign(name, this.eval(value, env))

        // -------------------------------------
        // Variable access

        if (isVariableName(exp)) {
            // 当前作用域中找变量
            return env.lookup(exp, env)

        throw `Unimplemented: ${JSON.stringify(exp)}`

    _evalBlock(block, env) {
        let result;

        // tag: exp[0] -> 'begin'
        const [_tag, ...expressions] = block

        expressions.forEach(exp => {
            // 块语句内每条语句进行求值, 在对应的env下
            result = this.eval(exp, env)

        return result

// ...

// ----- -----
// tests:
const eva = new Eva(new Environment({
    null: null,

    true: true,
    false: false,

    VERSION: '0.1'

// ...
// Blocks:
        ['var', 'x', 10],
        ['var', 'y', 20],

        ['+', ['*', 'x', 'y'], 30],
), 230)

// 嵌套时应该使用各自的作用域
        ['var', 'x', 10],

        // 嵌套块里使用的是嵌套块字节的环境
            ['var', 'x', 20],
        // 这里用的是外层块语句的环境
), 10)

// 嵌套时, 子作用域应该能访问父作用域里的变量
        ['var', 'value', 10],

        ['var', 'result', ['begin',
            ['var', 'x', ['+', 'value', 10]],

), 20)

        ['var', 'data', 10],

            ['set', 'data', 100],

), 100)

console.log('All assertions passed!')
// Environment.js
 * Environment: names storage
class Environment {
     * Creates an environment with the given record.
    constructor(record = {}, parent = null) {
        // kv集合
        this.record = record
        // 父作用域
        this.parent = parent

    // ...

     * Updates an existing variable
    assign(name, value) {
        this.resolve(name).record[name] = value
        return value

     * Returns the value of a defined variable, or throws
     * if the variable is not defined
    lookup(name) {
        return this.resolve(name).record[name]

     *  Returns specific environment in which a variable is defined,or
     *  throws if a variable is not defined.
    resolve(name) {
        // 当前环境有目标变量
        if (this.record.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
            return this

        if (this.parent == null) {
            throw new ReferenceError(`Variable "${name}" is not defined.`)
        // 当前环境没有, 从父容器找
        return this.parent.resolve(name)

module.exports = Environment

5. Control flow If and While expressions

// __tests__/run-test.js
const Eva = require('../Eva')
const Environment = require("../Environment");

const tests = [
// ----- -----
// tests:
const eva = new Eva(new Environment({
    null: null,

    true: true,
    false: false,

    VERSION: '0.1'

tests.forEach(test => test(eva))

console.log('All assertions passed!')
// Eva.js
const Environment = require('./Environment')

 * Eva interpreter
class Eva {
     * Creates an Eva instance with the global environment
    constructor(global = new Environment()) { = global

     * Evaluates an expression in the given environment
     * @param exp
     * @param env
     * @return {number|*}
    eval(exp, env = {
        // ...
        // -------------------------------------
        // Comparison operations

        if (exp[0] === '>') {
            return this.eval(exp[1], env) > this.eval(exp[2], env)
        if (exp[0] === '>=') {
            return this.eval(exp[1], env) >= this.eval(exp[2], env)
        if (exp[0] === '<') {
            return this.eval(exp[1], env) < this.eval(exp[2], env)
        if (exp[0] === '<=') {
            return this.eval(exp[1], env) <= this.eval(exp[2], env)
        if (exp[0] === '==') {
            return this.eval(exp[1], env) === this.eval(exp[2], env)

        // ...

        // -------------------------------------
        // if-expression

        if (exp[0] === 'if') {
            const [_tag, condition, consequent, alternate] = exp
            // 对条件表达式求值, 根据结果进入不同分支
            if (this.eval(condition, env)) {
                return this.eval(consequent, env)
            return this.eval(alternate, env)

        // -------------------------------------
        // while-expression

        if (exp[0] === 'while') {
            const [_tag, condition, body] = exp
            let result
            // 对条件表达式求值, 根据结果进入不同分支
            while (this.eval(condition, env)) {
                result = this.eval(body, env)
            return result

        throw `Unimplemented: ${JSON.stringify(exp)}`

// ...

module.exports = Eva

6. Back to parsers S-expression to AST

实现将 字符串 -> s-表达式 的解析器

npm i -g syntax-cli

// __tests__/block-test.js
const assert = require("assert");
const testUtil = require('./test-util')

module.exports = eva => {
    // ...

    testUtil.test(eva, `
            (var x 10)
            (var y 20)
            (+ (* x 10) y)
    `, 120)
// __tests__/test-util.js
const assert = require("assert");
const evaParser = require("../parser/evaParser");

function test(eva, code, expected) {
    const exp = evaParser.parse(code)
    assert.strictEqual(eva.eval(exp), expected)

module.exports = {
   S-expression parser

   Atom: 42, foo, bar, "Hello"

   List: (), (+ 5 x), (print "hello")

// -----------------------------
// Lexical grammar (tokens):



\s+                     /* skip whitespace */

\"[^\"]*\"              return 'STRING'

\d+                     return 'NUMBER'

[\w\-+*=<>/]+           return 'SYMBOL'


// ------------------------------
// Syntactic grammer (BNF):


    : Atom
    | List

// 最简单的表达式, 是数字 字符串和符号
    : NUMBER { $$ = Number($1) } // 转为实际的数字
    | STRING
    | SYMBOL

// 复杂表达式
    // $$ 表示返回值
    // 返回$2 - ListEntries
    : '(' ListEntries ')' { $$ = $2 }

// (Exp Exp Exp ...)

// ListEntries Exp
// ListEntries Exp Exp
// ListEntries Exp Exp Exp ...

    : ListEntries Exp { $1.push($2); $$ = $1 }
    | /* empty */ { $$ = [] }
syntax-cli --grammar parser/eva-grammar.bnf --mode LALR1 --parse '42' --tokenize
syntax-cli --grammar parser/eva-grammar.bnf --mode LALR1 --parse '"hello" '--tokenize
syntax-cli --grammar parser/eva-grammar.bnf --mode LALR1 --parse 'foo' --tokenize
syntax-cli --grammar parser/eva-grammar.bnf --mode LALR1 --parse '(+ 5 foo)' --tokenize
syntax-cli --grammar parser/eva-grammar.bnf --mode LALR1 --parse '(begin (var x 10) (var y 20) (+ x y))' --tokenize
syntax-cli --grammar parser/eva-grammar.bnf --mode LALR1 --output parser/evaParser.js

3. Functions and Functional programming

1. Built-in and Native functions

// Eva.js
const Environment = require('./Environment')

 * Eva interpreter
class Eva {
     * Creates an Eva instance with the global environment
    // constructor(global = new Environment()) {
    constructor(global = GlobalEnvironment) { = global

     * Evaluates an expression in the given environment
     * @param exp
     * @param env
     * @return {number|*}
    eval(exp, env = {
        // -------------------------------------
        // Self-evaluating expressions

        if (this._isNumber(exp)) {
            return exp

        if (this._isString(exp)) {
            // "hello" -> hello
            return exp.slice(1, -1);

        // -------------------------------------
        // Blocks: sequence of expressions

        if (exp[0] === 'begin') {
            // 创建新作用域
            const blockEnv = new Environment({}, env)
            return this._evalBlock(exp, blockEnv)

        // -------------------------------------
        // Variable declaration (var foo 1)

        if (exp[0] === 'var') {
            const [_, name, value] = exp
            return env.define(name, this.eval(value, env))

        // -------------------------------------
        // Variable update (set foo 10)

        if (exp[0] === 'set') {
            const [_, name, value] = exp
            return env.assign(name, this.eval(value, env))

        // -------------------------------------
        // Variable access

        if (this._isVariableName(exp)) {
            // 当前作用域中找变量
            return env.lookup(exp, env)

        // -------------------------------------
        // if-expression

        if (exp[0] === 'if') {
            const [_tag, condition, consequent, alternate] = exp
            // 对条件表达式求值, 根据结果进入不同分支
            if (this.eval(condition, env)) {
                return this.eval(consequent, env)
            return this.eval(alternate, env)

        // -------------------------------------
        // while-expression

        if (exp[0] === 'while') {
            const [_tag, condition, body] = exp
            let result
            // 对条件表达式求值, 根据结果进入不同分支
            while (this.eval(condition, env)) {
                result = this.eval(body, env)
            return result

        // -------------------------------------
        // function calls:
        //      (print "hello")
        //      (+ x 5)
        //      (> foo bar)

        if (Array.isArray(exp)) {
            // 在全局查找第一个标识符, 运算符或内置函数
            const fn = this.eval(exp[0], env)

            const args = exp.slice(1).map(arg => this.eval(arg, env))

            // 1. native function
            if (typeof fn === 'function') {
                return fn(...args)

            // 2. user-defined function
            // todo

        throw `Unimplemented: ${JSON.stringify(exp)}`

    _evalBlock(block, env) {
        let result;

        // tag: exp[0] -> 'begin'
        const [_tag, ...expressions] = block

        expressions.forEach(exp => {
            // 块语句内每条语句进行求值, 在对应的env下
            result = this.eval(exp, env)

        return result

    _isNumber(exp) {
        return typeof exp === 'number'

    _isString(exp) {
        return typeof exp === 'string' && exp[0] === '"' && exp.slice(-1) === '"'

    _isVariableName(exp) {
        return typeof exp === 'string' && /^[+\-*/<>=a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/.test(exp)

 * Default Global Environment
const GlobalEnvironment = new Environment({
    null: null,

    true: true,
    false: false,

    VERSION: '0.1',

    // operators
    '+'(op1, op2) {
        return op1 + op2
    '-'(op1, op2 = null) {
        if (op2 == null) {
            return -op1
        return op1 - op2
    '*'(op1, op2) {
        return op1 * op2
    '/'(op1, op2) {
        return op1 / op2
    '%'(op1, op2) {
        return op1 % op2

    // Comparison:
    '>'(op1, op2) {
        return op1 > op2
    '>='(op1, op2) {
        return op1 >= op2
    '<'(op1, op2) {
        return op1 < op2
    '<='(op1, op2) {
        return op1 <= op2
    '=='(op1, op2) {
        return op1 === op2
    '!='(op1, op2 = null) {
        if (op2 == null) {
            return !op1
        return op1 !== op2

    // Console output:
    print(...args) {

module.exports = Eva
const Eva = require('../Eva')
const Environment = require("../Environment");

const tests = [
// ----- -----
// tests:
const eva = new Eva()

tests.forEach(test => test(eva))

eva.eval(['print', '"hello"', '"world"'])

console.log('All assertions passed!')
// __tests__/built-in-function-test.js
const {test} = require('./test-util')

module.exports = eva => {
    // Math functions
    test(eva, `(+ 1 5)`, 6)
    test(eva, `(+ (+ 2 3) 5)`, 10)
    test(eva, `(+ (* 2 3) 5)`, 11)

    // Comparison
    test(eva, `(> 1 5)`, false)
    test(eva, `(< 1 5)`, true)

    test(eva, `(>= 5 5)`, true)
    test(eva, `(<= 5 5)`, true)
    test(eva, `(== 5 5)`, true)

2. User-defined functions, Activation Records and Closures



// __tests__/user-defined-function-test.js
const assert = require('assert')
const {test} = require('./test-util')

module.exports = eva => {
    test(eva, `
            (def square (x)
                (* x x)
            (square 2)
    `, 4)

    test(eva, `
            (def calc (x y)
                    (var z 30)
                    (+ (* x y) z)
            (calc 10 20)
    `, 230)

    // Closure
    test(eva, `
            (var value 100)
            (def calc (x y)
                    (var z (+ x y))
                    (def inner (foo)
                        (+ (+ foo z) value)
            (var fn (calc 10 20))
            (fn 30)
    `, 160)
class Eva {
     * Creates an Eva instance with the global environment
    // constructor(global = new Environment()) {
    constructor(global = GlobalEnvironment) { = global

     * Evaluates an expression in the given environment
     * @param exp
     * @param env
     * @return {number|*}
    eval(exp, env = {
        // ...

        // -------------------------------------
        // function declaration: (def square (x) (* x x))
        if (exp[0] === 'def') {
            const [_tag, name, params, body] = exp

            const fn = {
                env, // Closure!

            return env.define(name, fn)

        // -------------------------------------
        // function calls:
        //      (print "hello")
        //      (+ x 5)
        //      (> foo bar)

        if (Array.isArray(exp)) {
            // 在全局查找第一个标识符, 运算符或内置函数
            const fn = this.eval(exp[0], env)

            const args = exp.slice(1).map(arg => this.eval(arg, env))

            // 1. native function
            if (typeof fn === 'function') {
                return fn(...args)

            // 2. user-defined function
            const activationRecord = {}

            fn.params.forEach((param, index) => {
                activationRecord[param] = args[index]

            const activationEnv = new Environment(
                fn.env // static scope!

            return this._evalBody(fn.body, activationEnv)

        throw `Unimplemented: ${JSON.stringify(exp)}`

    _evalBody(body, env) {
        if (body[0] === 'begin') {
            return this._evalBlock(body, env)
        return this.eval(body, env)

    // ...

3. Lambda functions and Functional programming

用lambda实现def语法糖, 在编译时替换表达式

// Eva.js
const Environment = require('./Environment')

 * Eva interpreter
class Eva {
    // ...

    eval(exp, env = {
        // ...

        // -------------------------------------
        // function declaration: (def square (x) (* x x))
        // Syntactic sugar for: (var square (lambda (x) (* x x)))
        if (exp[0] === 'def') {
            const [_tag, name, params, body] = exp

            // const fn = {
            //     params,
            //     body,
            //     env, // Closure!
            // }
            // JIT-transpile to a variable declaration
            const varExp = ['var', name, ['lambda', params, body]]

            return this.eval(varExp, env)
            // return env.define(name, fn)

        // -------------------------------------
        // lambda function: (lambda (x) (* x x))
        if (exp[0] === 'lambda') {
            const [_tag, params, body] = exp

            return {
                env, // Closure!

        // ...

        throw `Unimplemented: ${JSON.stringify(exp)}`

    // ...

// ...

module.exports = Eva
// __tests__/lambda-function-test.js
const assert = require("assert");
const {test} = require("./test-util");

module.exports = eva => {
    test(eva, `
            (def onClick (callback)
                    (var x 10)   
                    (var y 20)
                    (callback (+ x y))   
            (onClick (lambda (data) (* data 10)))
    `, 300)

    // Immediately-invoked lambda expression - IILE:
    // fn = this.eval(exp[0],env) -> 直接调用exp[0](这里的lambda), 传递参数2
    test(eva, `
        ((lambda (x) (* x x)) 2)
    `, 4)

    // Save lambda to a variable:
    test(eva, `
            (var square (lambda (x) (* x x)))
            (square 2)
    `, 4)

4. Call-stack and Recursive calls

每个函数调用都会激活新作用域, 当函数执行结束就销毁

我们的eval会递归调用, 所以不需要额外的函数堆栈

5. Syntactic sugar Switch, For, Inc, Dec operators

通过已实现的语法来实现新的语法糖, 例如转译器实现在句法糖机制之上

// __tests__/for-test.js
const {test} = require('./test-util')

module.exports = eva => {
    test(eva, `
        (for (var x 10) (> x 0) (-- x) (print x)) 
    `, undefined)

    test(eva, `
        (var x 1)
        (++ x)
    `, 2)

    test(eva, `
        (var x 1)
        (-- x)
    `, 0)

    test(eva, `
        (var x 1)
        (+= x 5)
    `, 6)

    test(eva, `
        (var x 10)
        (-= x 5)
    `, 5)
// transform/Transformer.js
 * AST Transformer
class Transformer {
     * Translates `def`-expression (function declaration)
     * into a variable declaration with a lambda
     * expression.
    transformDefToLambda(defExp) {
        const [_tag, name, params, body] = defExp
        return ['var', name, ['lambda', params, body]]

    transformDefToIf(switchExp) {
        // (switch condition block)
        const [_tag, ...cases] = switchExp

        const ifExp = ['if', null, null, null]

        let current = ifExp

        for (let i = 0; i < cases.length - 1; i++) {
            const [currentCond, currentBlock] = cases[i]

            current[1] = currentCond
            current[2] = currentBlock

            const next = cases[i + 1]
            const [nextCond, nextBlock] = next

            current[3] = nextCond === 'else'
                ? nextBlock
                : ['if']

            // 递归 构建子if
            current = current[3]

        return ifExp

    transformDefToWhile(forExp) {
        // (for init condition modifier body)
        const [_tag, init, condition, modifier, body] = forExp

        // (begin init (while condition (begin body modifier)))
        return ['begin', init, ['while', condition, ['begin', modifier, body]]];

    // (++ x) -> (set x (+ x 1))
    transformIncToSet(exp) {
        return ['set', exp[1], ['+', exp[1], 1]];

    // (-- x) -> (set x (- x 1))
    transformDecToSet(exp) {
        return ['set', exp[1], ['-', exp[1], 1]];

    // (+= x 1) -> (set x (+ x 1))
    transformIncEqToSet(exp) {
        return ['set', exp[1], ['+', exp[1], exp[2]]];

    // (-= x 1) -> (set x (- x 1))
    transformDecEqToSet(exp) {
        return ['set', exp[1], ['-', exp[1], exp[2]]];

module.exports = Transformer
// __tests__/switch-test.js
const {test} = require('./test-util')

module.exports = eva => {
    // Pass
    test(eva, `
        (var x 10)
        (switch ((== x 10) 100)
                ((> x 10) 200)
                (else     300))
    `, 100)
        // -------------------------------------
        // switch-expression: (switch (cond1 block1) ...)
        // syntactic sugar for nested if-expression
if (exp[0] === 'switch') {
    const ifExp = this._transformer

    return this.eval(ifExp, env)

// -------------------------------------
// for-loop: (for init condition modifier body)
// syntactic sugar for: (begin init (while condition (begin body modifier)))
if (exp[0] === 'for') {
    const whileExp = this._transformer

    return this.eval(whileExp, env)

// -------------------------------------
// increment: (++ for)
// syntactic sugar for: (set foo (+ foo 1))
if (exp[0] === '++') {
    const setExp = this._transformer.transformIncToSet(exp)

    return this.eval(setExp, env)

// -------------------------------------
// decrement: (-- for)
// syntactic sugar for: (set foo (+ foo 1))
if (exp[0] === '--') {
    const setExp = this._transformer.transformDecToSet(exp)

    return this.eval(setExp, env)

// -------------------------------------
// increment: (+= for x)
// syntactic sugar for: (set foo (+ foo x))
if (exp[0] === '+=') {
    const setExp = this._transformer

    return this.eval(setExp, env)

// -------------------------------------
// decrement: (-= for x)
// syntactic sugar for: (set foo (- foo x))
if (exp[0] === '-=') {
    const setExp = this._transformer

    return this.eval(setExp, env)

4. Object-oriented programming

1. Object-oriented Eva Classes

从实现的角度看, 类只是环境
self显式的声明出来, "显式优于隐式"--py rust

// -------------------------------------
// Variable update (set foo 10)
if (exp[0] === 'set') {
    const [_, ref, value] = exp

    // (set (prop this x) x)
    if (ref[0] === 'prop') {
        const [_tag, instance, propName] = ref
        const instanceEnv = this.eval(instance, env)

        return instanceEnv.define(
            this.eval(value, env)

    return env.assign(ref, this.eval(value, env))

// -------------------------------------
// class declaration: (class <Name> <Parent> <Body>)
if (exp[0] === 'class') {
    const [_tag, name, parent, body] = exp

    // A class is an environment --- a storage of methods
    // and shared properties
    const parentEnv = this.eval(parent, env) || env

    const classEnv = new Environment({}, parentEnv)

    // body is evaluated in the class environment
    this._evalBody(body, classEnv)

    // class is accessible by name
    return env.define(name, classEnv)

// -------------------------------------
// class instantiation: (new <Class> <Arguments> ...)
if (exp[0] === 'new') {
    const classEnv = this.eval(exp[1], env)

    //An instance of a class is an environment!
    //The parent component of the instance environment
    //is set to its class.
    const instanceEnv = new Environment({}, classEnv)

    const args = exp
        .slice(2) // 去掉前两个(new, <Class>)
        .map(arg => this.eval(arg, env))

        [instanceEnv, ...args]

    // class is an env
    return instanceEnv

// -------------------------------------
// Property access:(prop <instance><name>)
if (exp[0] === 'prop') {
    const [_tag, instance, name] = exp

    const instanceEnv = this.eval(instance, env)

    return instanceEnv.lookup(name)
// __tests__/class-test.js
const {test} = require('./test-util')

module.exports = eva => {

    (class Point null

        (def constructor (this x y)
            (set (prop this x) x)
            (set (prop this y) y)))

        (def calc (this)
          (+ (prop this x) (prop this y)))))

    (var p (new Point 10 20))

    ((prop p calc) p)


2. Class inheritance and Super calls

// __tests__/test-util.js
const assert = require("assert");
const evaParser = require("../parser/evaParser");

function test(eva, code, expected) {
    const exp = evaParser.parse(`(begin ${code})`);
    assert.strictEqual(eva.evalGlobal(exp), expected);

module.exports = {
 * Evaluates global code wrapping into a block.
// evalGlobal(expressions) {
//     return this._evalBlock(
//         ['block', expressions],
//     )
// }
    return this._evalBody(exp,;

// -------------------------------------
// super expression: (super <ClassName>)
if (exp[0] === 'super') {
    const [_tag, className] = exp
    return this.eval(className, env).parent
// __tests__/class-test.js
const {test} = require('./test-util')

module.exports = eva => {

    (class Point null

        (def constructor (this x y)
            (set (prop this x) x)
            (set (prop this y) y)))

        (def calc (this)
          (+ (prop this x) (prop this y)))))

    (var p (new Point 10 20))

    ((prop p calc) p)


    (class Point3D Point

        (def constructor (this x y z)
            ((prop (super Point3D) constructor) this x y)
            (set (prop this z) z)))

        (def calc (this)
          (+ ((prop (super Point3D) calc) this)
             (prop this z)))))

    (var p (new Point3D 10 20 30))

    ((prop p calc) p)



3. Code isolation Modules and Imports

// moudles/Math.eva
(def abs (value)
  (if (< value 0)
      (- value)

(def square (x)
  (* x x))

(var MAX_VALUE 1000)

// __tests__/module-test.js
const {test} = require('./test-util');

module.exports = eva => {

    (module Math

        (def abs (value)
          (if (< value 0)
              (- value)

        (def square (x)
          (* x x))

        (var MAX_VALUE 1000)


    ((prop Math abs) (- 10))


    (var abs (prop Math abs))

    (abs (- 10))


    (prop Math MAX_VALUE)


// __tests__/import-test.js
const {test} = require('./test-util');

module.exports = eva => {

    (import Math)

    ((prop Math abs) (- 10))


    (var abs (prop Math abs))

    (abs (- 10))


    (prop Math MAX_VALUE)


    (prop Math MAX_VALUE)


// -------------------------------------
// module declaration: (module <body>)
if (exp[0] === 'module') {
    const [_tag, name, body] = exp

    const moduleEnv = new Environment({}, env)

    this._evalBody(body, moduleEnv)

    return env.define(name, moduleEnv)

// -------------------------------------
// module import: (import <name>)
if (exp[0] === 'import') {
    const [_tag, name] = exp

    const moduleSrc = readFileSync(

    const body = evaParser.parse(`(begin ${moduleSrc})`)

    const moduleExp = ['module', name, body]

    return this.eval(moduleExp,

4. Final executable and specification

#!/usr/bin/env node
// bin/eva.js
'use strict'

const fs = require("fs");
const evaParser = require("../parser/evaParser")
const Eva = require('../Eva')

function evalGlobal(src, eva) {
    const exp = evaParser.parse(`(begin ${src})`)
    return eva.evalGlobal(exp)

function main(argv) {
    const [_node, path, mode, exp] = argv

    const eva = new Eva()

    // direct expression
    if (mode === '-e') {
        return evalGlobal(exp, eva)

    // eva file
    if (mode === '-f') {
        const src = fs.readFileSync(exp, 'utf8')
        return evalGlobal(src, eva)

(import Math)

(var abs (prop Math abs))

(var x (- 10))

(print (abs x))

(class Point null

    (def constructor (this x y)
        (set (prop this x) x)
        (set (prop this y) y)))

    (def calc (this)
      (+ (prop this x) (prop this y)))))

(class Point3D Point

    (def constructor (this x y z)
        ((prop (super Point3D) constructor) this x y)
        (set (prop this z) z)))

    (def calc (this)
      (+ ((prop (super Point3D) calc) this) (prop this z)))))

(var p (new Point3D 10 20 30))

(print "Value:" ((prop p calc) p))

// TODO:

- Other data structures:

  (var base (object (value 100)))

    (x 10)
    (y 20)
    (__proto__ base))

  (var values (list 42 "Hello" foo))


  (idx values 0) // 42
  (idx values 1) // "Hello"
