


mkdir golang-database
go mod init github.com/akhil/golang-database


package main

import (

const Version = "1.0.1"

type Address struct {
    City    string
    State   string
    Country string
    Pincode json.Number
type User struct {
    Name    string
    Age     json.Number
    Contact string
    Company string
    Address Address

func main() {
    dir := "./"
    db, err := New(dir, nil)
    if err != nil {
    employees := []User{
        {"John", "23", "23344333", "Myrl Tech", Address{"bangalore", "karnata", "india", "410013"}},
        {"Paul", "23", "23344333", "Myrl Tech", Address{"bangalore", "karnata", "india", "410013"}},
        {"Robert", "23", "23344333", "Google", Address{"bangalore", "karnata", "india", "410013"}},
        {"John", "23", "23344333", "Facebook", Address{"bangalore", "karnata", "india", "410013"}},
        {"John", "23", "23344333", "Alibaba", Address{"bangalore", "karnata", "india", "410013"}},
        {"John", "23", "23344333", "Dominate", Address{"bangalore", "karnata", "india", "410013"}},

    for _, value := range employees {
        db.Write("users", value.Name, User{
            Name:    value.Name,
            Age:     value.Age,
            Contact: value.Contact,
            Company: value.Company,
            Address: value.Address,

    records, err := db.ReadAll("users")
    if err != nil {

    allusers := []User{}
    for _, f := range records {
        employeeFound := User{}
        // 反序列化
        if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(f), &employeeFound); err != nil {
        allusers = append(allusers, employeeFound)

    if err := db.Delete("user", "john");err!=nil{

    if err := db.Delete("user","");err!=nil{


package main

import (


const Version = "1.0.1"

type (
    Logger interface {
        Fatal(string, ...interface{})
        Error(string, ...interface{})
        Warn(string, ...interface{})
        Info(string, ...interface{})
        Debug(string, ...interface{})
        Trace(string, ...interface{})
    Driver struct {
        // 互斥锁
        mutex   sync.Mutex
        mutexes map[string]*sync.Mutex
        dir     string
        log     Logger

type Options struct {

func New(dir string, options *Options) (*Driver, error) {
    dir = filepath.Clean(dir)
    opts := Options{}
    if options != nil {
        opts = *options
    if opts.Logger == nil {
        opts.Logger = lumber.NewConsoleLogger((lumber.INFO))
    driver := Driver{
        dir:     dir,
        mutexes: make(map[string]*sync.Mutex),
        log:     opts.Logger,
    if _, err := os.Stat(dir); err != nil {
        opts.Logger.Debug("Using '%s' (database already exists)\n", dir)
        return &driver, nil
    opts.Logger.Debug("Creating the database at '%s'...\n", dir)
    return &driver, os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755)

func (d *Driver) Write(collection, resource string, v interface{}) error {
    // collection标记一个互斥锁
    if collection == "" {
        return fmt.Errorf("Missing collection - no place to save record!")
    // resource表示一个json文件的名字
    if resource == "" {
        return fmt.Errorf("Missing resource - unable to save record (no name)!")
    mutex := d.getOrCreateMutex(collection)
    defer mutex.Unlock()
    dir := filepath.Join(d.dir, collection)
    fnlPath := filepath.Join(dir, resource+".json")
    tmpPath := fnlPath + ".tmp"
    if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755); err != nil {
        return err
    // 转json
    b, err := json.MarshalIndent(v, "", "\t")
    if err != nil {
        return err
    b = append(b, byte('\n'))
    // 写入文件
    if err := ioutil.WriteFile(tmpPath, b, 0644); err != nil {
        return err
    return os.Rename(tmpPath, fnlPath)

func (d *Driver) Read(collection, resource string, v interface{}) error {
    // collection标记一个互斥锁
    if collection == "" {
        return fmt.Errorf("Missing collection - unable to read!")
    // resource表示一个json文件的名字
    if resource == "" {
        return fmt.Errorf("Missing resource - unable to save record (no name)!")
    record := filepath.Join(d.dir, collection, resource)
    if _, err := stat(record); err != nil {
        return err
    // 读取
    b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(record + ".json")
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return json.Unmarshal(b, &v)

func (d *Driver) ReadAll(collection string) ([]string, error) {
    // collection标记一个互斥锁
    if collection == "" {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("Missing collection - unable to read!")
    // 文件所在目录
    dir := filepath.Join(d.dir, collection)
    if _, err := stat(dir); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
    var records []string
    for _, file := range files {
        b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(dir, file.Name()))
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        records = append(records, string(b))
    return records, nil

func (d *Driver) Delete(collection, resource string) error {
    path := filepath.Join(collection, resource)
    mutex := d.getOrCreateMutex(collection)
    defer mutex.Unlock()
    dir := filepath.Join(d.dir, path)
    switch fi, err := stat(dir); {
    case fi == nil, err != nil:
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to find file or directory named %v\n", path)
    case fi.Mode().IsDir():
        return os.RemoveAll(dir)
    case fi.Mode().IsRegular():
        return os.RemoveAll(dir + ".json")
    return nil

func (d *Driver) getOrCreateMutex(collection string) *sync.Mutex {
    defer d.mutex.Unlock()
    m, ok := d.mutexes[collection]
    if !ok {
        m = &sync.Mutex{}
        d.mutexes[collection] = m
    return m

func stat(path string) (fi os.FileInfo, err error) {
    if fi, err = os.Stat(path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        fi, err = os.Stat(path + ".json")

type Address struct {
    City    string
    State   string
    Country string
    Pincode json.Number
type User struct {
    Name    string
    Age     json.Number
    Contact string
    Company string
    Address Address

func main() {
    dir := "./"
    db, err := New(dir, nil)
    if err != nil {
    employees := []User{
        {"John", "23", "23344333", "Myrl Tech", Address{"bangalore", "karnata", "india", "410013"}},
        {"Paul", "23", "23344333", "Myrl Tech", Address{"bangalore", "karnata", "india", "410013"}},
        {"Robert", "23", "23344333", "Google", Address{"bangalore", "karnata", "india", "410013"}},
        {"Lihua", "23", "23344333", "Facebook", Address{"bangalore", "karnata", "india", "410013"}},
        {"HanMeiMei", "23", "23344333", "Alibaba", Address{"bangalore", "karnata", "india", "410013"}},
        {"Hack", "23", "23344333", "Dominate", Address{"bangalore", "karnata", "india", "410013"}},

    for _, value := range employees {
        // 创建users文件夹,里面存value.Name.json文件,每条记录作为一个json文件
        db.Write("users", value.Name, User{
            Name:    value.Name,
            Age:     value.Age,
            Contact: value.Contact,
            Company: value.Company,
            Address: value.Address,

    records, err := db.ReadAll("users")
    if err != nil {

    allusers := []User{}
    for _, f := range records {
        employeeFound := User{}
        // 反序列化
        if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(f), &employeeFound); err != nil {
        allusers = append(allusers, employeeFound)

    if err := db.Delete("users", "john"); err != nil {

    // 删除所有
    if err := db.Delete("users", ""); err != nil {

  转载请注明: malred-blog db

用go语言实现解释器 用go语言实现解释器
1. 词法分析1.1 词法分析 为了解释源代码,需要将其转换为易于理解的形式,最终对代码求值之前,需要两次转换源代码的表示形式 词法分析器的作用如下: let x = 5 + 5; -> [LET,INDENTIFIER(“x
计组 计组
计算机概述按字编址,则根据题目给的字长编址(本题是16位)按字节编址,则固定是按8位编址主存寻址范围=主存地址空间大小/编址位数 时间的G是2的9次方,M=百万 数据的表示设原码最高位为1,是有效值,而其反码最高位0无效,需要规格化处理